Ben Stabley

GIS Portfolio

Furin Project

Through the GIS Club, a few students and myself worked with APANO catalyst artist Midori Hirose on a project to celebrate the Japanese-American farming history of SE Portland. We developed a web application for people to submit sound, images, and their thoughts of the community around them. These were displayed on an interactive web map. We also used Esri's Storymaps to create a more textual narrative about the history, project, and our contribution. The project culminated in a symposium in which we presented our work and a gallery exhibit at PCC Southeast Campus. A variety of Esri, open source, and custom-built software (using HTML/CSS/JS, Go, and MySQL) was used to accomplish our goals.

Snowline fluctuations on Mt Hood with Sentinel-2

In my final project for "Remote Sensing," I used a lot of Python to interact with the Sentinel-Hub API, ArcPy, and Jupyter Notebooks. In addition to the poster (the class deliverable), I made a few interactive components and shared my project on github. I also presented my project at GIS in Action 2024 in a lightning talk, and submitted it for the map gallery in which it won first place in the student category.

Tracking Oregon Glaciers

My partner Shawn Stanton and I worked on a project for the Oregon Glaciers Institute (OGI) to create assets that would help them conduct research on the glaciers of Mt Hood, Mt Jefferson, and the Three Sisters. Our primary products were a series of DEMs created from 1950s era aerial photos and a ArcGIS Pro geoprocessing toolbox to calculate equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs). We used our assets and some before-after images from OGI to create an "interactive experience" that can be seen in our storymap.

Drone-based license plate detection and parking validation

For my final project in "Modeling with Drones 2", I took inspiration from a guest presentation by BNSF Sr. UAS Manager Nick Dryer to use drone video footage, computer vision, and GIS assets to automatically detect vehicles, locate their license plates, read the text from the plates, and validate that the vehicle had a permit appropriate for its parking space. My project is presented in a storymap, and the code is available on Github.

Photogrammetry with historic aerial photographs

For my final project in "Modeling with Drones 1", I decided to experiment with using open-source photogrammetry software Open Drone Map (ODM) to orthorectify aerial single frame photos of Portland taken roughly in 1950, 1960, and 1970. I wrote a Python script to automate processing of the entire dataset. To present the completed orthomosaics in a compelling manner that allowed the user to compare changes among decades, I wrote a simple web application that uses a slider to control the transitions in the interactive map.

Alternative timeline Pony Express

What might the Pony Express look like if had been fully built out as a network of routes between all settlements in the American West in 1860? I tried to answer this question for my "GIS Analysis" final project. Using primarily DEM and NLCD data at 100m resolution for the entire western US, I created a travel cost surface and used ArcGIS Pro's least-cost path tool to determine efficient routes between settlements in 1860. I used a few of the Network Analyst tools to determine travel distances between settlements at regular intervals for "home stations."

Vehicular accident risk in Portland

Using a variety of publicly available data from the City of Portland, I created a suitability model for the risk of a car accident on Portland streets. I added to the "normal risk" (dry streets) model with data relevant to winter conditions to model risk in snow conditions. Finally, I visualized the difference between the two models.

US Census API toolbox

For my final project in "GIS Programming", I decided to create a set of script tools for ArcGIS Pro to make it easy to add US Census data to geometries with appropriate FIPS numbers. The primary tool will use the JSON-based API provided by to fetch metadata for the year and dataset, and allow the user to choose individual variables and/or groups. The tool will cache all calls to the API, particularly when fetching metadata, to improve performance and reduce stress on the remote server for subsequent uses. Another tool performs a similar function, but uses user-downloaded CSV data instead. Two other tools help manage the cache.

Unsupervised vs Supervisied Classification

This was an exercise for "Remote Sensing" to learn about using two broad categories of image classification. Though not a particularly cartographically interesting topic, I decided to make it fun and went all-in on the "vs" idea with a boxing themed layout.

Changes to regional population, temperature, and land use

This exercise for "Remote Sensing" was a forey into change analysis in the Portland metro region. I thought that to tell the story better, I needed more assets than were given in the execise. I obtained block-level population from the 1990 and 2020 decentennial census and aerial imagery circa 1990. I could then truely show how the population and land use has changed over 30 years, and the resulting effects on surface temperature patterns.

Using PPK to improve GCPs

This exercise for "Modeling with Drones 2" illustrates how to use less expensive GNSS receivers such as a Bad Elf Surveyor to achieve nearly the same accuracy as a more expensive RTK receiver such as the Propeller Aeropoint. Bad Elf data was collected, processed with RTKLib and CORS station data in a Post-Processing Kinematics (PPK) workflow, and then clustered and averaged to obtain the final GCPs.

Log Pond

This exercise for "Modeling with Drones 1" used drone imagery of a drained log pond to establish baseline GIS assets before restoration to a wetland. It illustrated how to selectively ignore troublesome images from the photogrammetry process and how to further improve raster data (DEM in this case) in ArcGIS Pro. In a few of my Modeling with Drones classes, I created maps as if I was preparing products for clients of my fictious company "Red Engineering."

Stock piles

Another "Red Engineering" project that used drone imagery to calculate the volumes of stockpiles. In this case, I did further estimates for (imaginary) remediation of the site as if the stockpiles were uranium mill tailings.


This was an exercise in using the network analysist tools of ArcGIS Pro to determine the walkability and shortest walking paths between PCC Sylvania and two MAX stops on the proposed SW Corridor MAX line. I decided to heavily stylize my map to look like an architectural blueprint.


This map examined the distribution of Nike Biketown stations in Portland, although it uses data that is several years out of date.

McCarthy Creek

In this exercise, we selected places for wildlife corridors and land bridges to connect disjoint forest areas of Metro's North Tualatin Mountains holdings. I attempted to stylize the map in a similar fashion to those in some of the background material provided to us by the exercise instructions.

Programming Portfolio

Melter Database

Although not a GIS related project, this is a database (SQLite) backed desktop application that I wrote at the request of my supervisor at work. Initially its purpose was to record, calculate, and display important information regarding the fuel-oxidizer ratio for each glass furnace. However, after the pandemic, I added functionality to aid in inter-department communication among shifts.

Mountain Cameras

This website downloads a handful of puplic webcams of mountains at regular intervals and makes them viewable online in a time-lapse format. This projects started as a simple python script that was run at as a cron job. I added enhancements over time and eventually ported the program to Go. It's a set of programs: a web scraper and server, both configured to run as systemd services on my home server (one of my old computers running Debian).

p5js Projects

A collection of various small javascript programs that run in the browser and use the p5.js library for graphics. The most fun two are "Asteroids" and "Ray Maze".

PDX 911

Both a programming and GIS project, PDX 911 gets 911 call info from a city-maintained RSS feed, records them in a MySQL database, and then displays them on a map. The map is powered by Leaflet.js and uses OpenStreetMap as the primary base layer. 911 incidents within the last 48 hours can be shown, although the database contains a much longer history (I haven't gotten around to adding query enhancements).

N-Body gravitational simulation

Some tinkering with gravitational simulation using an oct-tree structure to increase speed with a large number of bodies and rendered in software (that I also wrote). Based on "Barnes, J., & Hut, P. (1986). A hierarchical O (N log N) force-calculation algorithm. nature, 324(6096), 446-449. (Google Scholar) (PDF). I was able to simulate and render about 1 frame per second with 1 million gravitational bodies split between 2 "galaxies." In the future I'd like to try making the simulation more realistic and (maybe?) faster using the GPU for computation.